Advocacy Corps

Empowering voters. Defending democracy.

Change is possible when we work together
Join us and act on issues affecting the citizens of Dane County!

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Dane County Government

Be part of the letter-writing campaign

The Advocacy Corps is dedicated to keeping the public informed of all the pressing issues facing our democracy in Dane County and Wisconsin.

This campaign is designed to help League members and community members write letters to local newspapers, to the governor and the legislature, and/or to county and state agencies about issues that concern you. While the League is providing these resources, the letters you write will be written in your own voice and signed by you as a citizen, not as a member of the League. 

To make it easier to express your views, we offer:

Below are the five current Working Groups of the Advocacy Corps. As campaigns are developed and issues arise, the Working Groups will create and share toolkits (accessible via Google Docs) with talking points and relevant articles to assist you with your letters. Our goal is to make this a one-stop site to help members become actively involved now.

five Advocacy WORK Groups

The LWVDC Advocacy Corps informs the public of pressing issues facing our democracy in Dane County and Wisconsin.

Our work is divided up into five Working Groups that meet as needed to work on issues and actions. Each group has a dedicated link where you will find research, talking points, and articles with factual and timely information.


Judicial Integrity focuses on the Wisconsin court system (i.e., the politicization of the court, special interests and dark money in judicial races, ineffective recusal rules, and lack of diversity on the court) all of which call into question the legitimacy of our courts.

For the spring Supreme Court election in 2023, the Judicial Integrity and Campaign Finance Reform Working Groups worked together since the issues are interrelated.

Campaign Finance Reform focuses on dark money in Wisconsin elections. Informing the public of hidden-money campaigns used by corporations and front groups is paramount for understanding how special interests and undisclosed dark money infiltrates our courts and elections.

Voting Rights brings awareness of current voter suppression through actions taken by multiple entities, such as state legislatures, court decisions, and special interest groups, to increase or maintain their political power despite the people's will. This working group will provide descriptions of these issues and resources the League members can use as they engage in the letter-writing campaign.

Climate and Environmental Justice recognizes the urgent need to promote better protection of rural and urban areas of Dane County and Wisconsin, including river and lake water protection, transportation infrastructure development, and urban and rural land management. We will cooperate with and leverage our resources with the LWVWI. However, a more just environment cannot rely on political change. We also actively take personal action to encourage responsible and sustainable efforts.

LINK: Climate and Environmental Justice Toolkit

Reproductive Rights focuses on the numerous health crises attributed to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision affects not only patients and families but also healthcare institutions, individual providers, and associated professionals, all of whom must now consider the new legal ramifications of their professional duties and responsibilities. With the overwhelming passage of the Dane County advisory referendum in the April 4, 2023, election, LWVDC will be working on strategies to implement the will of the people.

We are excited about the work of the Advocacy Corps and encourage you to join us. Please get in touch at